About Me



UPDATE: I’m 50 now!!! Apparently, this qualifies me for AARP and it is assumed that I am fully formed adult. Both of these things are indeed true.


So you want to know who I am? That’s cool. You should totally learn about me because I think I’m an exceptional human being and I’m also biased – as hell. Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I’m me.
The end.

Just kidding!

My moniker is @EfabulousHB. Most people call me Efab! for short. EfabulousHB is the shorten version of Efabulous-Hen-Bang which is Mandarin for Efabulous-Is-Awesome. Efabulous is short for “Erica is Fabulous”. So there’s that.

I was born, raised and educated in Chicago, Illinois. I am a divorced, working, thriving mom of one amazing Future CEO. My undergraduate degree and proven skill-set is in accounting. I’ve worked in corporate banking, money management, on Wall Street at the first American electronic options exchange, corporate trust banking and now in governmental accounting. I know how to count money for other people – very well.


However, I’ve always been a creative. I started writing short stories and bad poetry when I was in the 8th grade. I am the very first recipient of the Chicago Bar Association’s Excellence in Dance scholarship at UIC. I have choreographed a very, very, very, very small off-Broadway play. I have danced (jazz, ballet, modern & African) since I was 13yrs old. I also used to draw – mostly comics and abstract sketches. I paint and I’m partial to oils. Lastly, I used to be a fierce girl DJ in NYC and England. So yeah… I told you I was an amazing human being.

But Erica… the blog thing… expound on that…

I started blogging before blogging was a thing. I had an email list that I used to write bad / angry poetry and short stories, in 1997. LBVS. Then when I moved to New York, I started writing these short stories labelled “The Talented Ms. Ripley” and then I would email them out to my friends. My list was pretty robust back in the day of absolute dial-up. Then I moved to England and I tried to blog about my ex-pat experience but I always had my face in a pint of ale or cider. I moved back to the States and I started two blogs on Blogger (circa 2006). And well, they failed. Sooooooooooo, my husband left me for a younger woman and I started blogging at @TwoDopeMoms to help deal with the fall out. That took off and then my blog partner’s lovely Dad passed away – so we shelved it. I was in the middle of therapy for my divorce and I kept blogging for my sanity and that’s how @EfabulousHB evolved. I kept at it. I’m good at it but then again I am biased. I’m good at talking about stuff. You know… stuff that is challenging, stuff about being a proud Black American, stuff about being an older Mother with a small child, food, culinary experiences, products I loooooooooooooooove, divorce, bad relationships and how they make you feel (ugh!!!!), shopping, technology and smartphones.

I have a lot of blogging, writing and empirical experience in the world. I love social media, technology, life and motherhood!

Services I offer:

  • Brand Ambassador – I’ve worked on several brand campaigns here in Houston and I’d love to “talk up” your brand via my multiple social media platforms.
  • Public Speaking – I have been honored to speak in both a corporate and non-for-profit capacity. My SME topics are: social media, business infrastructure, technology, parenting and accounting systems.
  • Freelance Writer – Need content, look no further I’m here!
  • Blogging – This is the easy and obvious one.
  • Graphic Design – I have an obsession for putting together images and typography.

You can download my media kit here!


…. since we’ve gone down this road, you might as well be all in!

Questions that will probably let you know what type of quirky creative I really am:

  • Are you more of a hunter or a gatherer? – I’m both. Like I’m a SuperMom that does over 100 miles a day to give my kid a good education and I cook the Future CEO fresh meals for dinner 4 out of 7 times a week. Yeah, I’m totally both.
  • You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why? Chocolate-ty Black. I’m not quite a Charcoal Black, but I am an amazing 5’9 ft Chocolate proud Black American woman filled with a unicorn like spirit. Thank you.
  • What’s your favorite ’90s jam? Anything by Tony, Toni, Tone…. I mean ANYTHING!
  • What are you known for? Besides being a dedicated SuperMom, I’m known for having incredible legs and a very unpredictable sense of humor (i’m kinda lewd amongst my very close friends but never in public).
  • You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant? Firstly, did you give me about 200+ acres with my elephant (and I would like to name him Eli (if it’s a boy) and Ellie (if it’s a girl)). Eli / Ellie will need to roam around and I would need a food stipend. Elephants are big and they need a lot of food. Besides that I would just love the elephant because it’s a mammal and I’d be caring for it, so therefore I’d show it a great deal of love.
  • Who would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman? Now who is playing Batman, because Ben Affleck as Batman is pretty awful. The best Batman was Adam West, Micheal Keaton and the skinny Val Kilmer. But um… this latest Batman – 2 words – do over. So if Ben A is Batman, then I’d need the young or old Peter Parker to kick his ass. I’m going with Spiderman on this one. And yes, I’m biased – since I was 11 – I have adored Spiderman comics and the character.
  • How would you rate your memory? It’s pretty lackluster unless a memory becomes tactile and ingrains itself in my core or my soul.


So that’s me done. You should stay in touch….

#MommyFab [Project]

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EfabulousHB
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/EfabulousHB
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/EfabulousHB
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/EfabulousHB

I don’t really use Pinterest anymore except when I search for craft projects, but I do occasionally like to use it as search engine and share stuff.